Monthly Archive: November 2017

Good fat, maintaining cholesterol levels, decreasing bad fat 0

Maintaining Good Cholesterol

Following simple yet effective steps may help you to get the right fats and maintaining good cholesterol levels in your diet: Keep total fat intake between 20-35% of calories. Include MUFA and Omega 3...

Black pepper seed, super food 0

Black Pepper -Super food for weight management

Black pepper boosts metabolism, helps burn calories quickly. Black pepper A review conducted on Indian spices showed that black pepper is found to influence lipid metabolism by fatty acid mobilization. Black pepper is a...

Chana and palak pulao 0

Chana Aur Palak Ka Pulao

Ingredients: 1 Onion 1tsp Ginger Garlic paste 1 Red Bell Pepper(Chopped) 2 Tomatoes(Chopped) 1/2 cup Chopped spinach 1/4 tsp turmeric powder 1/2 tsp Cumin powder 1 tsp coriander powder 1 tsp red chilli powder...

15 minute full body workout 0

15 Minute full body workout you must try today Widgets Here’s a workout routine that takes up only 15 minutes of your day, so you have very little reason to not try out. Jumping Squats(2 sets, 15 reps) Stand with your feet...


Easy Healthy Breakfasts

I believe in having a heavy breakfast that keeps you going for the entire day. So here are few of my favourite quick and easy to make breakfast. Oats with chia seeds and protein...

Benefits of drinking green tea 0

Recharge with Green Tea- Healthy Living Widgets Drinking green tea offers the combined benefits of caffeine and catechins, substances shown to rev up the metabolism for a couple of hours. Several studies show that green tea can boost metabolism...


If you dream big enough, anything can come true

Are your dreams big enough? Why don’t you dream big?  Allow yourself to dream. Allow yourself to imagine and fantasize what you want to achieve, how you want your life to be, your career...

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