Category: Mental Health


Self-care! 10 easy ways to get started

We all work so hard in our respective field of expertise. Our calendars are packed with work and time for others. What about some me time? People do say that self -love is the...


The Nothing Box

Do you know why we women remember dozen of things when we actually are asked about one topic? And do you know about the ‘Nothing Box’ in a man’s brain? A man’s brain is...


The Nothing Box

Do you know why we women remember dozen of things when we actually are asked about one topic? And do you know about the ‘Nothing Box’ in a man’s brain? A man’s brain is...



When was the last time you had a good laugh with your family or friends or co-workers? I am not talking about just a smile or grin or chuckle on some meme or someone’s...

New year resolutions 0

New Year, New resolutions

We all set some resolutions for the new year, hoping that they will transform our life completely. Some keep a resolution of travelling more, weight management, healthy eating, better time management, travel more, give...

De sress your life 0

De-Stress Your Life

Stress is your body’s way of responding to any kind of demand. Stress is a normal part of life, the kep is to manage it well. Every type of demand pr stressor-such as exercise,...


If you dream big enough, anything can come true

Are your dreams big enough? Why don’t you dream big?  Allow yourself to dream. Allow yourself to imagine and fantasize what you want to achieve, how you want your life to be, your career...

Think and grow rich 0

Think, Act and Grow Widgets This post is about my lessons learned from the book that I’m reading currently. I have read this book more than once and every time I read it, it gives a different perspective....

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